Kickstart Your Health: 3 Easy Morning Habits for Mindfulness Self-Care

Aug 23, 2024

Have you ever watched healthy celebrities on TV and wondered how you can achieve the same level of wellness in your own life?

It turns out there’s no real mystery to it other than simple everyday habits. Now, if the word “habits” makes you wince a little, I get it. It sounds like a lot of work.

But it’s true what they say: 

If you can stick with a new habit long enough, you’ll forget it’s a habit. 

Good habits can definitely help you set a positive tone for yourself and everyone around you, especially if you start your morning on the right foot.  By incorporating simple yet impactful practices into your morning, you not only enhance your mental and physical well-being but also create a sense of purpose and calmness to carry with you throughout the day.  

I know because I made it my mission to be mindful of my health and overall wellbeing.  At first, I got tripped up by trying to be perfect at it “to do it right” and then beat myself up for not doing it right.

So if you’ve been struggling to change your lifestyle habits and routines, you’re not alone. 

The real key to success is having a routine you can follow without fail, and that works for you. Here are 3 easy-to-adopt morning mindfulness habits to kickstart your day:

#1. Get up and Get Active

Honestly, at first it was hard to follow through with this one because I wasn’t used to it. However, getting yourself moving is critical even if you don’t want to for overall physical and mental wellbeing. 

So if you find it challenging to incorporate into your routine, you’re not alone. You can find the time for yourself. 

Engage in physical activity to energize your body and mind. Whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga session, or a quick workout routine, moving your body in the morning jump-starts your metabolism and enhances mental alertness.  Physical activity not only boosts your mood but also sets a positive tone for the day ahead, promoting overall well-being and productivity. But remember, you can’t get the result you want without putting in the effort and making yourself a priority. 

Start off by committing to daily walk as an example for 20 minutes first thing in the morning. Once you make it part of your routine, it will become a regular habit that you no longer dread!  You can also set clearly defined goals to help you be more active every day. Keep in mind that being active looks different for everyone, so what works for someone else may not work for you, and that’s okay. 

All you have to do is commit and the rest will follow. 

Another thing that helps is to start off slow. Start out by walking 20 minutes a day as an example then you can fine-tune your routine as you see fit.  Having a support system will make it earlier and help you stay accountable. 

#2. Disconnect from Technology first thing in the morning

I underestimated the power and importance of technology,  but it’s crucial to your wellbeing so worth paying attention to. As we are in a world of technology and we all are consonantly are on our phones.

Try to avoid immediately reaching for your phone or checking emails. Give yourself some tech-free time to focus on your morning routine and start your day with a clear mind.

Morning clarity is precious—use this time for reflection, setting intentions, or simply enjoying a few moments of stillness before the demands of the day begin. Postpone checking emails, social media, or news updates until after you’ve grounded yourself in your morning routine.

When you don’t take the time for yourself and disconnect,  you’re likely to be more stressed and anxious, which undermines your ability to be more present and mindful to yourself and others around you.

This will ultimately be something you don’t want for yourself. 

If you’re having a hard time disconnecting, try to:

  • Set Boundaries: Designate a specific period each morning, such as the first 30 minutes, as a tech-free zone. Use this time solely for your ritual and refrain from checking your phone, computer, or other devices.
  • Use Physical Reminders: Place your phone or other devices out of immediate reach, such as in another room, to physically remind yourself to focus on your morning routine rather than on technology.


#3. Practice Gratitude 

Take time to reflect on a few things you’re grateful for. This can shift your mindset to a positive perspective and enhance your overall mood and outlook for the day.

Regularly reflecting on what you’re grateful for can lower stress levels, the hormone associated with stress. This practice helps shift your focus away from stressors and toward positive aspects of your life, reducing overall stress levels. 

The reduction in stress and the increase in positive emotions can enhance immune function, making you less susceptible to illness. 

There’s evidence to suggest that practicing gratitude can be beneficial for overall physical health. Reduced stress levels and improved emotional states contribute to lower blood pressure and a healthier heart.

Grateful individuals are more often engaging in healthy behaviors. They may be more likely to exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods, and engage in activities that promote overall well-being.

How to Implement a Gratitude Practice
  • Start your day by noting down or mentally acknowledging a few things you’re grateful for.
  • Keep a journal where you regularly write about things you appreciate. Revisit these entries to reinforce your positive outlook.

Incorporating gratitude into your daily routine can profoundly impact your overall health by improving mental well-being, supporting physical health. By consistently practicing gratitude, you create a foundation for a more positive and fulfilling life.


The key is to cultivate good habits that promote mindfulness and well-being. Customizing your morning routine to suit your preferences and lifestyle is a must. By starting your day intentionally, you create a foundation of positivity and productivity that carries through to every aspect of your life.

Begin with these foundational habits and explore what works best for you. Embrace the opportunity each morning presents to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. With a mindful morning routine, you can transform your days and cultivate a deeper sense of fulfillment and happiness.

All you need to do is stick to a routine. 

Remember it takes time and dedication, and failure is part of the process. So if you go off track at any point, that’s completely normal. Don’t beat yourself up and lose time worrying about it. Get right back to it. You got this!

Start your morning routine on the right foot! Have a beautiful day! 💖💫

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